Thursday, December 4, 2014

Malaysia Trip:)

Heellllooooo!! Decided to blog about my trip to Malaysia a few days ago and you know, catch up a bit😁

Woke up in the morning at the 27th of Nov 2014 and was told to pack my bag and get ready to leave for Malaysia, KL because my father's god-father had left us in the morning of the 27th at about 3am. Was really shocked to hear the news but you know, since it was my school holidays and I can leave so why not? He is like 85 years old already so it was alright you know like he lived for so long already and he had a good life. 

At about 2pm, left house and went for lunch with our luggages. Btw, only my mum, my dad and myself went back. Before we had our lunch, the car came out this 'Top up coolent' (the day before, my my took her car for servicing) So, I called my brother and told him about it. He said to bring it back to the car service there and ask the person to check. And so we brought it back and the person help us top up and said that it was nothing. We had our lunch and head straight to KL. It was a 4 hours car ride.

When we reached KL, it wa already like 9pm cause there were like traffic jam and we went into the wrong road and... So I called my uncle and asked him to drive my 婆婆 out and my nieces to go to the place where we usually have dinner when we go KL. So we had dinner and went back to my 婆婆's house. We chatted and slept overnight. 

Early in the morning 8am, woke up naturally and yeah. Did not expected myself to woke up so early. Rolled around in bed for about 10 mins then went downstairs to shower and then took all our luggages in the car and left for breakfast. :) Had 猪肠粉 in the morning. Damn nice. My favorite and must have when I Malaysia!

On our way to Penang, everything went smoothly until after the bridge. The car said to 'top up the coolant'. Then 1 minute later, it told us to stop the vehicle immediately. At that time, I knew something was very wrong and it was an obstacle we all had to go through. We stop the car at a petrol station and waited for about 15mins before adding water to the coolant. While adding water, the car start smoking up. The most shock I ever had in my entire life.. I was really scared and already panicking like damnn. While my mum called the person who help us service our car back in Singapore and start scolding him (LIKE OBVIOUSLY, DUH?!) then there was this very nice lady which park in front of us and she offered to help (like where can you find this kind soul?). She gave us numbers but my dad didn't know how. So she help us call lah. And I think she was like relived cause the car was singapore car LOL. She then left cause she needed to go while we wait for that person to come. 

That repair person came and drove our car to the repair centre. That repairing thing seriously took up the time cause of that stupid service that took place before going to Malaysia. It took up like 2hours or so? So we went to eat and then walk walk. Luckily I wasn't in my pajamas LOL. Then after that that repair person help us change the thing and everything was fine. (Watch more on my YouTube channel) 

So after everything that happened, we went to buy some famous biscuits and went back to our hotel to rest and at night went for the funeral. Was glad that everything was fine. The next day we 出兵 and then the funeral ended. 
Thoughts: Was seriously damn happy that I was present at the funeral to send my dad's God-father off cause he was like one of the kindest man that I have met and like I really respect him. Tbh I nearly cried by didnt lah. Didn't get to spend a lot of time with him when he was still here cause like I didn't go back to Malaysia, Penang very often (only like once or twice a year) but I am glad that I was able to send him off:)

The third day I think we walk walk then at night we went home. Urgggghh the journey home was freaking 8 hours omg no joke. And it was like a car ride and I almost faint. Reached home around 2am I guess? I forgotten already lol. So long ago. As I am blogging this, it's May 3rd 2015 :-). But anyway, trying to recall as much as I can HAHAHAHA. 

The trip itself was pretty solem but pretty fun cause I get to spend more time with my parents cause it was only the three of us hahaha time to go. By the way, to find out more, there's a video on my YouTube channel okayy byeeee:)
